
The InspoBoom

By Krissi Thomas

A newsletter for you: the ones who are ready to make a mark on this world. The ones wanting to get a little better every day. The ones who love humor, food, gadgets and new info to dive into!

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FLASH Sale + 25 years of business

It's been a minute since our last INSPOBOOM but things have been nuts over here! All in the best ways 🤩, but this one-woman operation gets a little overwhelming sometimes, so I have to let things go now and then. #selfcare I hope you're still along for the journey and will find some inspo in this edition. Real quick though: I'm getting ready for the 2.0 version of this business so I'm offering 30% off the entire shop all of May. This is a great opportunity for you to grab some kickass...

LOVE ❤️ // You know it's a verb, right?

L❤️VE What is love to you? What does it look like? How does it feel? How does it act? Personally, I know that LOVE is a verb. Simple acts are what personify love. Let me explain... When you smile, that's love. When you serve, that's love. When you wave to your neighbor, that's love. When you care, that's love. When you giggle, that's love. See, all of these things are actions and that's how love works. 1 Corinthians 10:14 says "Let all you do be done in love." All. You. Do. This means every...

SPARKLE 💎 // Bringing out the sparkle in you!

SPARKLE 💎 What's that mean to me? Well, if the picture above doesn't give you a hint, let me explain. You see the smiles in the photo above? The real, raw, authentic smiles that are full of life! Full of moxie! Showing a zest for life! Yeah, that's my favorite thing! 🤩 I often tell people that my smile is my signature and God makes sure I use it as often as I can. I also think it makes you sparkle. ✨ Your eyes light up. Your body awakens. Your whole aura is illuminated and ready to share with...
Rainbow smiley face

HAPPY // How do you chase positivity?

CHASING POSITIVITY Let's face it, life is hard. Filled with ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks. The mind will always try and trick you into believing the bad. I say, don't let it. That's when the chase begins. The chase for positivity that is! So, it's been a week. I've had some things come up that were unexpected and I'm not happy about them. I watched my mood deteriorate, get very emotional, and just want to hide. But if you know me, it's just not my way to be in that space. I don't like...

WRITE // So what's your daily writing practice?

What up INSPOBOOM PEEPS! 💥How y'all doing this week? It's been so fun hearing from you since launching this thing, and it gets me so fired up! If you didn't catch the newsletter last week, no worries! You can view them anytime. My goal for these newsletters is to provide actionable inspo so that you can mine your motivation (#3 on the The CHEEKYBOOM Playbook) and bring forth the fire burning inside you.🔥 Plus, I love to share tools that help me on my daily journey because tools are just...

ONE // The InspoBoom comin' at ya!

Happy New Year and welcome to the INSPOBOOM! 💥 A newsletter for you: The ones who are ready to make a mark on this world. The ones wanting to get a little better every day. The ones who love humor, food, gadgets and new info to dive into! FIRST...let’s get some basics out of the way before we dive in, shall we? You are receiving this because I have your email (IE: I know you personally, you have ordered from me at some point, or we've met through business networking). If you don’t want to...

A newsletter for you: the ones who are ready to make a mark on this world. The ones wanting to get a little better every day. The ones who love humor, food, gadgets and new info to dive into!

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